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Action plans and phone manager

Delivering critical services with business continuity

Enable centralised data, voice, and communications redirection to activate in the face of planned and unplanned network outages. nimbus ensures continuity of communication for compliance and security connection.

Predict disruptions

Real-time data enables automated corrections, ensuring seamless communication.

Stay connected

Keep employees and the community they service connected.

Risk management

Take control of your voice and communication services.

Maintain critical operations

Organisations need to continually maintain critical operations during a disruption. In the context of telecommunication operations, this can include the ability to protect regular lines of communication or to effectively redirect lines in the event of planned and unplanned outages.

The tool for creating, implementing, and rolling-back critical call forwarding plans for continuity of communications.

Deploy automated business continuity

Integrated Business Continuity capabilities help to deploy automated disaster recovery tools through real-time data views and plan building. Activate redirections during planned and unplanned outages to minimise business disruption, using a simple, self-managed portal.

A reliable, real-time solution for keeping services running. 

woman on phone using nimbus hub ensuring business continuity of communication for compliance and security connection.

Deploy automated business continuity

Integrated Business Continuity capabilities help to deploy automated disaster recovery tools through real-time data views and plan building. Activate redirections during planned and unplanned outages to minimise business disruption, using a simple, self-managed portal.

A reliable, real-time solution for keeping services running. 

Manage network communications

With a comprehensive platform, operations can better manage phone services for bulk call-forwarding scenarios. Configure the right security protocols and view real-time critical deployments across the operational network. 

Ready to elevate your workforce?​


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