Igniting improved scheduling capabilities with workforce optimisation & facial recognition solutions.
nimbus Time2Work workforce optimisation solution integrated with NoahFace facial recognition software enables BINGO Industries to better schedule staff and have a complete overview of every layer of their business.
- Reduce the amount of time that managers spend trying to fill shifts.
- Automate highly manual and tedious tasks and processes, with extensive reporting capabilities.
- Real-time visibility to exceptions, including missed “punches” and early/late arrivals, which helps avoid payroll errors and costly rework.
- Contactless clocking functionality.
- Deploying two true-cloud solutions, integrated through open APIs to deliver a simple solution for BINGO and its employees.
- Ensuring employees get paid accurately based on their actual worked hours.
- Instant and timely notification to staff on changes to their working patterns.
- A structured and simple rostering process.
- Automated notifications to advise staff of their shifts and access information directly from their mobile.
- Facial Recognition and clocking software to reduce time fraud and manual processing errors. Giving control and compliance back to the business.
- Reduced manual time and effort from no longer needing to maintain offline spreadsheets.